středa 19. března 2008

Gigolo sex - price and stuff

Hello, people, again. As I have already suggested in my previous article - it's almost spring time - the season of coituses and other pleasurable hormonal activities - either paid or not paid. And here I come to the intestines of my writing. I've been heavily googling and eventually found one page that attracted me (and yes, you guess right when you think it has something to do with sex) and which I would like to kindly share with you.

So, behold Thou who dost want to run a gigolo business, 'cause I am offering a help to Thee regarding charges for Thy sexual services (no gender restrictions)!

I know that you are horny as feck to get to know what the hell I am talking about, so here you are: a link that transfer you exactly to a Gigolo-meter. After answering several questions, you will be given the 
estimated price you should charge people for sex with you. In other words, 
it will tell how much you are worth in bed (or anywhere else you 
make that sexy, wet penetratory act).

Da Link is here.

Enjoy yourself and don't hesitate to leave your results in the comment part!

PS: I am really sorry to all Czech readers (if there are ANY readers at all) for writing it in English, but I think that even my blog should turn global - so that more and 
more people could read it and find my pure and platinic perfection, so to narcissistically say).

Also, I would be a total backward if my price stayed undiscovered, here it is, solid 1.056 dollars per hour - all European women (especially the good-looking one) don't hesitate - the value of dollar is on decline - use my offer (it's bargain, innit?) before it's 
too late!!
bedroom toys
Powered By Adult Shop

Important!!: whoever accepts my price, let me now and we arrange time and place:-)

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